Project Paused/Projekto Paŭzitis

Due to there only being 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week, and other projects taking both residence and all my time, I won’t be adding to this project until my other obligations are in a more finished state.

Ĉar ni nur havas dudek kvar horojn en tago, kaj sep tagojn enhavas en semajno, mi devas ne plu aldoni al ci tiu retpaĝo ĝis mi finos pli da miaj aliaj projektoj.

Video Updates

Dear readers,

Here’s a video update about our new, indoor herb garden, grown in containers, and a simple recipe using herbs.

Here’s an update from a few weeks ago about the herb garden:

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SPP Gets Its Own Room at the Clubhouse

So the human writing this blog so far is me, Chloe.  There’s other people helping with the project, and they’re private humans who asked me to be the interface with the world.

The last two days, I and others rearranged the front rooms of the clubhouse to give Stewardship Permaculture Pilgrimage its own garden.  At the clubhouse in South Fork is a room that’s half glass windows on the east and south sides, and it gets the best light in the building.  We need a garden.  A lot of people including myself are banned from the Rainbow Grocery in South Fork because we’re neighbors and friends of someone who they don’t like.  So suddenly, a percentage of a town with a population of about 600 in the winter is urgently in need of access to fresh vegetables.Read More »

La Sankta Biblio

The goal of creating a trail and food forest from coast to coast is inspired by God’s command, and humanity’s natural job, to steward the earth.

Some of the seekers on a pilgrimage are fascinated by Esperanto.  When traveling, having e-books, and PDFs, helps reduce weight and increase education and entertainment.

Today we rejoiced when we found a free copy of La Sankta Biblio, The Holy Bible, in Esperanto!

If you want to download a PDF or other electronic format of The Bible in Esperanto for free, you can do so here.

To download a Free PDF of La Sankta Biblio, because it’s important to have it stored in more than one place on the internet, click the following link:

The Holy Bible in Esperanto

Much gratitude to for making this precious translation available.

Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles

Permaculture has three ethics and 12 design principles.

The three ethics are:

Care for Earth
Care for People
Fair Share

The twelve design principles are:

  1. Observe and interact.
  2. Catch and store energy.
  3. Obtain a yield.
  4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback.
  5. Use and value renewable resources and services.
  6. Produce no waste.
  7. Design from patterns to details.
  8. Integrate rather than segregate.
  9. Use slow small solutions.
  10. Use and value diversity.
  11. Use edges and value the marginal.
  12. Creatively use and respond to change.

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Berries by the Ocean

Stewards of the Permaculture Pilgrimage had the opportunity to visit the Oregon Coast this week, scouting a beach for a beginning or final destination for the trail we’re building.  We feel it’s important to have a vision and goal when starting a huge project, as well as enough flexibility to change plans as different conditions emerge later. Taken with a grain of flexibility,  however, the Stewards found a perfect dune to bring the permaculture trail in Oregon, with wild Salal and strawberries already established.Read More »

Goatheads and Garden Tools

The gardeners of Stewardship Permaculture Pilgrimage have been hard at work seeking partnerships and opportunities, and we have been blessed by finding many of them.

A local RV park in South Fork, Colorado agreed to allow the pilgrimage to plant and work a narrow strip of land along the highway.  This is exactly what we need to start a trail surrounded by wild edibles that stretches from coast to coast.  Permaculture Pilgrimage Gardeners are hard at work designing a xeriscape permaculture for our new friends.

The town of South Fork also began to sponsor the Permaculture Pilgrimage through helping an individual gardener.  One of the gardeners noticed a grove of goat heads next to the bike trail in South Fork, Colorado.  Approaching first the visitor center, then the landscapers, then city hall, our intrepid gardening volunteer successfully negotiated the purchase of a weeding tool for South Fork, as well as permission to be its guardian in exchange for continuing to remove Goat’s Heads and Tumbleweeds.

It’s an exciting and successful summer so far.

What are you doing for permaculture in your area?  Share in the comments below!

Romans 8:18-23: Birthing The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible


Many traditions believe the Earth is falling apart because we lost our faith in loving our neighbors and sharing our gifts to create abundance.

This morning I read relavant ancient wisdom, and these were the verses that I needed most today:

Romans 8:18-23 English Standard Version (ESV)

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Mostly I grew up under a rock with pop culture, and I’ve chosen not to take the time to catch up, but the wisdom made me think of The Neverending Story, a movie about a boy who goes to a magical, abundant, beautiful world that is crumbling because another world stop believing in it.

As an adult, I started to believe both worlds are the same. I think an abundant permaculture will create a new Eden if we just have faith in each other and the world to be abundant and share.

Everyone has gifts to contribute. Everyone has unique talents. If each of us support each other in Stewarding the world and creating the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, we can actually create a new reality together.

In a world that values your unique gifts, which talents would you spend your time developing?

Please share in the comments below!

Phase 1 of Stewardship Permaculture Pilgrimage

Stewardship Permaculture Pilgrimage is a decentralized autonomous network of people dedicated to creating a network of permaculture trails across North America from coast to coast and along the Rocky Mountains from the Yukon to Costa Rica. Start where you are. Let’s meet in the middle.

Stewardship Permaculture Pilgrimage Phase 1 begins with compiling information about existing permaculture land and resources into a usable format.

What permaculture resources and locations do you wish more people knew about?
